Jeff P. Kotz
Construction Supervisor
Jeff describes himself as a patio builder, but Jeff is really so much more! Jeff is like bluestone, durable and beautiful! That is why he is the best darn patio builder we know. Jeff puts as much effort and artistic talent into his hardscapes as he does his hidden talents! Which are playing the drums and piano, who would have guessed? Jeff loves long hikes and eating burgers, but when he isn’t able to do that, he loves to be with his two cats (Leo and Loki) and eating salmon. When you ask Jeff about his second favorite dinosaur, he tells you it is a pterodactyl (and let’s be real, they are a pretty cool second favorite). If Jeff were to have a super power it would be to turn water into wine (which would be the best party trick), unfortunately his arch nemesis would always be hot on his trail with their super power of killing all the buzz.