Michael A. Kinsey
Senior Landscape Supervisor
Michael is a man who never goes by his given name, instead we call him Mike or if you work outside with him, you call him “Skinny.” Mike is one of our talented supervisors. When he is not being a team player at work Mike is coaching basketball, or spending time outside (sometimes he multitasks and does both things at once, he is extremely talented). If Mike has a second for himself, he spends time thinking about his second favorite dinosaur the Pterodactyl or having the ability to teleport while fighting off his arch enemy who has his kryptonite. When Mike was a young man, he went through a period wearing corduroy pants frequently, this is a stark difference from when he once dressed up at Ace Frehley (you know KISS) for Halloween (we too, have many questions about how both of these fashions influenced the same person). This is why it makes sense that if Mike was a landscape material, he would granite, because it too comes in a WIDE variety of styles.