Cadillac Triangle Park
Cadillac Triangle Park was a biproduct of the broken street grid of Akron’s west end neighborhoods. The community wanted the vacant triangle in the middle of the neighborhood to be more and mean more to the residents. There was a strong desire to create a public plaza large enough for social gatherings, outdoor picnics, and circulation leading to the public streets that linked the neighborhood together.
Our team alongside Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC) developed a plan that positioned a public plaza on the east end of the park and a series of pathways that lead back to the west end where an existing walkway connected to the neighborhood. A series of tables, benches, and receptacles allow for the plaza to be used by the community throughout the year. A portion of green space was preserved on the east end that allows for large scale events to take place on the lawn. A series of planting beds at each corner of the park create a gateway into the park that the community continues to maintain.